Highlights of the Week: Nov. 19 - 24

Deadline to order poinsettias
Grade 6/7 boys basketball practice 3 - 4 pm
Ladies Boot Camp 5:45 - 6:45 ($2 drop in)

Hot Lunch - Chopped Leaf & Hot Dogs
SJB students visit - Basketball skills
First Communion meeting for parents 6:45 pm
Grades 4/5 girls volleyball practice after school 3 - 4 pm
Grade 6 Girls volleyball tournament at Cornerstone Christian in Abbotsford - 3:15 - 5 pm. (Parents are to pick up from Cornerstone Christian - 3970 Gladwin Road by 5 pm)

Mass for Grades 2 - 7 (school sweaters please)
Last Karate Class (next 8 week session begins in January)

Deadline for CWL Neufeld Farm orders (there are some order forms in the school hallway)
Parish Education Committee (PEC) meeting


World Youth Day Christmas Market in the gym 10 am - 3 pm ($2 admission)
Thanks to everyone who helped with Oktoberfest!

To ALL the volunteers and to those who donated items and gave us discounts.  Your support is very much appreciated. 
Reminder; Kids Who Can Second Annual Coat Drive

The kids Who Can will be collecting gently used jackets, mittens, gloves, toques and small, light blankets for those in need. Please consider donating clothing that may to too small or not in use. We will be collecting items during the month of November. Thank you.

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