Highlights of the Week: Nov. 26 - Dec. 2

Highlights for the Week of November 26th - December 2nd/18

Poinsettia orders delivered.  Pick up from 2:30-3:30 pm
Ladies Boot Camp 5:45 - 6:45 pm ($2 drop in)
Grade 6/7 Boys Basketball practice 2:50-4:00pm

Chilliwack Chiefs visit KG and Grade 3
Hot Lunch - Pizza Day
Grade 6/7 Boys Basketball Game @ Agassiz @ 4pm
Grade 6/7 Girls Basketball Game @ Chilliwack Middle School @ 3:15pm
(Basketball players must organize their own rides to and from the games each week!)
Grade 4/5 Boys volleyball Game @ Central (Boys will be bussed to the game afterschool and will need to be picked up at Central by 3:15pm).  Mr. Martinen is the coach for this team.  If your son is interested in playing please either print it off the website and return it tomorrow or it will come home with your son tomorrow and need to be returned by Tuesday morning.  Practices for boys will be on Thursdays after school from 2:50-4:00pm with the girls team each week.  

DEADLINE for (CWL Fundraiser) Purdy's Chocolate orders
Mass for Grades 2-7 (school sweaters please)
Grade 6/7 Girls basketball practice after school 2:50-4:00pm (This week only) Practices will normally be only at lunch.

Grades 3 & 6 to Museum of Anthropology at UBC
Grade 4/5 Boys and Girls Volleyball Practice 2:50-4:00pm  

COLOUR DAY (non-uniform day)
Report Cards sent home

Sunday - December 2nd - 1st Sunday of Advent
School Mass 9:30 a.m.- our school choir will be singing at this mass and St. Mary's students will be involved in various ministries (reading, ushers etc.)
St. Mary's Got Talent!

We've got some serious talent at St. Mary's School and to celebrate we're introducing a new feature to learn more students' hobbies and to celebrate their achievements! 

Each and every one of our students deserves to be celebrated and we hope to inspire others. If you would like to see your child featured, please reply to this email!

Benny, a Grade 5 student at St. Mary's, has a passion for mixed martial arts and he's extremely talented!   Benny has been training for 2 and 1/2 years at Excel Martial Arts, Chilliwack. Benny is involved in programs that focus on supporting the positive development of self-confidence and self-esteem, while improving physical fitness and mental wellness. Benny has a 1st degree black belt and he looks up to his big sister (Lourdes) who has a 3rd degree black belt!  Benny is skilled in the use of nunchucks, tonfas, long staff, swords, short sticks and kamas!

Benny also plays guitar and enjoys cooking and fishing!


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