We are currently accepting registrations for the 2025/2026 school year.

Please be advised ! If your family is interested in registering for the current school year (2024-2025), please contact Mrs. Netzlaw in the school office.



Elementary (K-7)

Please complete the applicable family registration package and return to the school office:

New Student Forms
To be completed for all new students coming to our school (even if you are a current school family):

Additional Forms
To be completed by new and current school families (if applicable):

Preschool & Junior Kindergarten

Visit the Preschool page to learn more about St. Mary’s Preschool and how to register for the 2025/2026 school year.

*Please contact Mrs. Chiappetta at  jchiappetta@saintmarysschool.ca if you have any questions about the preschool registration process


Tuition rates below are for the 2025/2026 school year

Active Saint Mary's Parishioners
$416 (1 child)
$636 (2 children)
$717* (Family of 3+ children)
*Families with a combined enrollment of 3+ children in St. Mary’s School and St. John Brebeuf Secondary School qualify for the family rate. Contact us for details.

Catholic Non-Parishioners
$492 (1 child)
$780 (2 children)
$933 (Family of 3+ children)

$588 (1 child)
$926 (2 children)
$1131 (Family of 3+ children)

NOTE: The first month’s tuition is non-refundable unless notification of non-enrollment is received by the Principal, by June 30th, 2025.

Methods of Payment

Pre-authorized Debit (Please complete Pre-authorized Debit Agreement)

Tax Receipts

Each year families who pay tuition are given an income tax receipt that qualifies as a charitable donation.

In recent years the receipt has been for the full amount of tuition paid, or just under (the amount is determined by a complex formula that is computed annually). This reduces the net cost of tuition by as much as 43% through an income tax credit.

Tax receipts are issued in late February.