Living Christmas Creche - If anyone knows of anyone that could loan us a few barnyard animals (that would be happy being tethered for an hour or so) and small hay bales, please contact the school office
Donations for Christmas Shop - Donations of small, gently used items for our Christmas Shop are now being accepted at the office (ornaments, jewellery, picture frames, small tools etc. - can be anything!) The kids so enjoy picking out that special gift for mom and dad! With over 200 children in the school, we will need at least 400 items for the shop.
Remembrance Day Stat
Ladies Boot Camp - 5:45 - 6:45 pm in the gym ($2 drop in)
Hot Lunch - Spaghetti & Meat Sauce & Hot Dogs
SJB students visit (basketball skills)
Grades 4/5 and 6/7 Volleyball practice 2:50 - 4 pm