Weekly Highlights: Nov. 13 - 19
Dear Families,
I usually fill in the sections below before writing this little introduction. As I was filling in the "Looking Ahead" section, I couldn't believe how quickly these December dates are coming! I've tried to provide a bit of information about some of our December St. Mary's traditions, but more detailed information will be provided closer to those dates.
You will notice that there are still several Fridays where we don't have school. Our professional development is weighted heavily to the beginning of the year so we may use those strategies throughout the year. I promise that there are very few more days off from January to June!
to Mr. Seiler and staff team, and the Grade 4/5 class, for a very moving Remembrance Day prayer service/assembly. The children always speak so poignantly on these occasions - I am very proud of them. I am also impressed with how well the student audience behaved - they were reverent and took things seriously, and I have seen this at other assemblies this year. Hats off to them, and to the staff for preparing them so well in advance.
Oktoberfest Thank Yous!
The event wouldn't have been possible without the planning committee and all the volunteers who organized the event, decorated, prepared food, tended the bar, sold tickets, etc. so to you we say DANKE SCHÖN!!!!
Again, we say thank our sponsors for all their support:
🪗 Musik Sponsor: Total Automotive Ltd
🍛 Essen Sponsors: Andrew Godbout - Knights of Columbus and Revolution Pickleball
🍻 Bierhaus Sponsors: The Langley Concrete Group of Companies and United Rentals Chilliwack
🎉 Wies'n Sponsor: Chilliwack Carpet One
And a HUGE THANK YOU to Fresh Impressions Catering for all your work in the kitchen and for preparing the meal, it was delicious as always.
And finally, thank you to the following businesses for their generous donations and special pricing - we really appreciate it!
🧊KRD Refrigerated Trailers
🥐BenAnna Bakery
🏘Trail Appliances
🍻Premium Brands
🥩Grassland Meats
🏠Livwell Collective
🔌Platinum Electric
🏁Stones Speed Shop
🧅Produce Gone Wild
🎨Cloverdale Paint
🎨Batz Painting & Finishing
🪚Windsor Plywood
🐟Steve's Poke Bar
🏒Abby Canucks
The countdown to our 5th Annual Oktoberfest event starts now!
Food Drive Need of the Week: coffee and tea
We have our Purdy's, Christmas tree kit and poinsettia fundraisers running at this time. Please return your order form with payment if you are participating in one of these fundraisers. If you would like to have your account direct debited for the cost, please make a note of this on your order form.
Save the date for Father Gio's official installation as Pastor - November 19, 11:30 Mass
Remembrance Day Stat Holiday - NO SCHOOL
Grade 7 Field Trip to St. Mary's Cemetery
Altar Servers Practice at lunch
No School Mass - priests are away on a study week. There will be a Communion Service at the church at the usual time (9:00 a.m.); however, we are not attending as a school.
Hot Lunch: pancakes and sausage
Altar Servers Practice at lunch
Grade 6/7 Basketball Practice, 3:00 - 4:00 p.m.
Grade 6/7 Basketball Practice 3:00 - 4:00 p.m.
Father Gio's Installation Mass, 11:30 a.m.
Friday, November 24: CISVA-wide Pro-D Day - NO SCHOOL
Sunday, November 26: Mass for Confirmation Candidates - 9:30 a.m.
Thursday, November 30: Skating Field Trip for all students - permission slips to be sent home closer to the date COLOUR DAY
Friday, December 1: Advent Assembly to distribute wreaths; first-term Student Learning Update to be sent home
Sunday, December 3: First Sunday of Advent - School-led Mass, 9:30 a.m.
Friday, December 8: Staff Advent Retreat - NO SCHOOL
Wednesday, December 13: Christmas Lunch (whole school gathers in gym for lunch; lunch provided)
Friday, December 15: Christmas Shop (children bring $2 to shop in our "Christmas shop" for their parents/family members)
Wednesday, December 20: Advent Prayer Service (evening event - our "Christmas Concert" equivalent)
Friday, December 22: last day before holidays: Red/Green Day; Christmas Singalong at 11:00; NOON DISMISSAL
Monday, January 8, 2024: SCHOOL REOPENS