St. Mary's School

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Highlights of the Week: Oct. 17 - 23

I never thought I would be saying I'd like to see the sunshine go away, but I am really getting anxious for a good rain shower to clear the air and cool things off! Rest assured we will continue to monitor air quality warnings and make appropriate decisions about outdoor activity this week.

-Mrs. Sallos


  • to Miss Gillespie and team for leading us in a Rosary prayer service on Friday. During this month of the Holy Rosary, it was good to have that chance to pray together.

  • to Dr. Miriam Liem and her parish team for organizing the Eucharist Miracles Exhibition, and for providing time for our students to visit the exhibit and learn more about this aspect of our faith

  • to our Cross-Country Team and coaches - well done during this short season - congratulations to all who won ribbons at the last meet

  • to parents of children receiving First Reconciliation and First Eucharist this year for bringing them to this morning's Enrollment Mass



  • Uniforms:

    • any inquiries about uniform purchase should be directed to SwissPro, as we do not have information about orders/sales, nor do we collect the money

    • shorts are permitted to be worn from April through October (this does not end at Thanksgiving, as some thought)

    • as I am walking through the school I am seeing some children not in official uniform - please note that pants should be navy pants (like a cotton twill) - not black, not jeans. Also, school shoes are meant to be all-black - students should not be wearing other colours of shoes unless they are outside (and of course, should have a pair of gym shoes kept at school).

    • thank you for remembering school sweaters for Wednesday Mass



  • Hot Lunch - hot dogs

  • Gr 4/5 co-ed soccer game at Bernard Elementary - remember, parents/guardians are to transport students to/from games. Please let the coach know if another family will be taking your child.

  • Gr 6/7 girls’ volleyball practice, 3:00 - 4:00 p.m.

  • Confirmation Meeting #1, 6:30 p.m. (in the gym)


  • Mass for Grades 2 - 7. Please wear school sweaters to all Masses. All family members are welcome to attend - we love to see you there!

  • Grade 5 - 7 Boys Volleyball Skills, 3:00 - 4:00 p.m.

  • Curling at Evans Elementary, 3:15 p.m.


  • Soccer Practice. 3:00 p.m.


  • Province-Wide Professional Development Day - NO SCHOOL for students