Highlights of the Week: Oct. 24 - 31


Isn't it such a relief to see the smoke gone from our area? I think that for a school smoke is even more challenging than dealing with rain or snow, because it's not a matter of kids getting too wet, or slipping and falling, so it seems silly in some ways to keep them indoors. However, I know many people, myself included, who really felt the effects of breathing in that awful air, and I'm glad that we followed the Air Quality Health Index closely and made the right decisions for our students and staff. Hopefully, we will not need to deal with this again this year!


  • to Wisbey's Veggies for providing a great pumpkin patch experience for our Grade 1 and 7 students on Monday - if you are looking for a pumpkin this week, we encourage you to support this farm

  • to the families of Confirmation students for coming out to last Tuesday's meeting. One of the best turnouts ever - thank you for working so seriously with your children to make this sacramental year very meaningful

  • to families from the Skowkale and Atchelitz bands for hosting teachers at a lovely dinner on Wednesday evening. Your new centre is beautiful, and it was a great joy to once again be able to gather with your communities.


  • Food Drive Need of the Week: canned meat and fish. Thank you for your contributions so far.

  • Games Night is Back! We look forward to welcoming families old and new to this perennially favourite event. See the attached flier for more details!

    • We welcome donations of cakes for the cake walk, and cupcakes for the meal deal ($5 dinner - where can you beat that?)

    • Raffle draw will be done on-site - you must be present to win

    • We welcome non-school families to this event as well, so feel free to tell your friends about it!

  • Tickets for Oktoberfest are nearly sold out - what a great event this is going to be! Get your tickets here!

    • Please continue to monitor your email and Facebook for opportunities to get participation hours for this event



  • Foundational Skills Assessments for Grades 4 and 7: please be sure students are in attendance every day during the next week, unless ill.

  • If your child receives support from outside specialists during school hours, please be sure to let the specialist know if your child is going to be absent that day

  • The Kids Who Can are selling Dia de los Muertos t-shirts for $15. Please contact the office or Mrs. O for an order form.

  • "West Coast Recess" - now that our rainy season has begun, please remember that children will be going outside for recess and lunch unless it is an absolute downpour. Children should be bringing a jacket (preferably hooded) and outside footwear to school every day.

  • Uniforms:

    • any inquiries about uniform purchases should be directed to SwissPro, as we do not have information about orders/sales, nor do we collect the money

    • shorts are permitted to be worn from April through October (this does not end at Thanksgiving, as some thought)

    • as I am walking through the school I am seeing some children not in official uniform - please note that pants should be navy pants (like a cotton twill) - not black, not jeans. Also, school shoes are meant to be all-black - students should not be wearing other colours of shoes unless they are outside (and of course, should have a pair of gym shoes kept at school).

    • thank you for remembering school sweaters for Wednesday Mass


  • FSA's begin for Grades 4 and 7


  • Hot Lunch - Pasta Day

  • Gr 4/5 co-ed soccer game at home

  • Gr 6/7 girls’ volleyball practice, 3:00 p .m.

  • First Holy Communion Meeting #2, 6:30 p.m. in the gym


  • Mass for Grades 2 - 5. Please wear school sweaters to all Masses. All family members are welcome to attend - we love to see you there!

  • Mrs. Olivares and Mrs. Choboter's classes to SJB for Volleyball Tournament

  • Grade 5 - 7 Volleyball Skills, 3:00 - 4:00 p.m.

  • Parish Education Committee Meeting, 6:30 p.m.


  • Immunizations for Grade 6 students

  • Girls Volleyball game at Mount Slesse Middle School, 3:15 (parents, please remember that you must take your child there yourself. If your child will be traveling with another family, please let the school know that)

  • Soccer Practice 3:00 p.m.


  • Colour Day (not costumes)

  • Games Night, 5:30 p.m. Hope to see you all there!



  • Enrollment Mass for Confirmation Students, 9:30 a.m.

MONDAY, October 31:

  • Hallowe'en! Students are permitted to wear costumes to school. Costumes should not depict violence or any character who behaves in a way contrary to Christian values. Please leave all weapon props and masks at home (face painting is permitted, as are other props).

Enjoy the rest of your weekend!