Highlights of the Week: Oct. 31 - Nov. 6



  • to families of First Communicants for attending the meeting on Tuesday night. Your participation is much appreciated.

  • to Grade 7 students and staff, under the leadership of Mrs.Choboter, for putting on a successful Games Night! Such a lot of thought and effort goes into an event like this. We hope all enjoyed it!

  • to families of Confirmation students for bringing them to this morning's Enrollment Mass. As they were reminded this morning, they are meant to attend Mass EVERY weekend.


  • Food Drive Need of the Week: pasta and pasta sauce. Thank you for your contributions so far.

  • Brown envelopes went home on Friday. Please remove the contents and send the brown envelope back on Monday. Newsletter will be sent out (digitally) Monday afternoon or Tuesday

  • Scholastic Book Fair runs from Oct 31 - Nov 4

    • Open Monday to Thursday, 12:30 p.m. - 1:00 p.m. and 2:45 p.m. - 3:15 p.m.

    • Also open Thursday evening, 5:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m., and Friday morning, 8:00 a.m. to noon


  • Parent-Teacher Interview Request forms are due back tomorrow, Monday, October 31

  • If your child receives support from outside specialists during school hours, please be sure to let the specialist know if your child is going to be absent that day

  • "West Coast Recess" - now that our rainy season has begun, please remember that children will be going outside for recess and lunch unless it is an absolute downpour. Children should be bringing a jacket (preferably hooded) and outside footwear to school every day.

  • ALLERGY ALERT: Although we don't encourage children to bring Hallowe'en treats to school, we know that some will. Please remember that we have a number of students with peanut/nut allergies in the school and ask that NO TREATS CONTAINING PEANUTS/NUTS are brought to school.

  • There are still opportunities to get parent participation hours for Oktoberfest. Sign up here.


  • Hallowe'en! Students are invited to come to school in costume (must not depict violence or depict characters contrary to Christian values). Please leave weapon props at home.

    • The Grade 7 class has organized a Costume Contest and Costume Parade. Prizes will be awarded for Best Homemade Costume; Most Creative Costume (bought or homemade); Best Overall Costume; Best Teacher Costume

    • The Costume Parade will begin at 2:10 p.m. All families are invited to join us in the gym at that time!


  • All Saints Day

  • Hot Lunch - pizza

  • Gr 4/5 co-ed soccer tournament at Townsend Park 2:50 - 5:00 p.m.

    • Parents, please be at the school at 2:30 to drive your students to the tournament.

    • We will play 3 or 4 games - pick up is at 4:45

  • NO Girls' Volleyball Practice

  • Children often receive an abundance of treats at Hallowe'en. The ministry "Night Shift" is asking for donations of Hallowe'en candy to be distributed to those they help. If your child is willing to donate some candy, please bring it to the office.


  • All Souls Day Mass for Grades K - 7. Please wear school sweaters to all Masses. All family members are welcome to attend - we love to see you there!

  • Volleyball skills with Mr. Seiler, 3:00 - 4:00 p.m.


  • Oktoberfest preparation for those who signed up

  • Grade 6/7 Boys and Girls Volleyball Skills Practice 3:00 - 4:00 p.m.

  • Parent-Teacher Interviews, 5:00 - 8:00 p.m.


  • Oktoberfest preparation for those who signed up

  • Parent-Teacher Interviews, 8:00 a.m. - noon. NO SCHOOL


  • Spirit Day for Grade 7 students

  • Oktoberfest! Doors open at 5:30, dinner served at 6:30. SOLD OUT - thank you for supporting this event!


  • Daylight saving time ends. Set your clocks back one hour!

  • 9:30 am School-led Mass. Choir members and lectors, please arrive at 9:15 a.m. in your school uniform. We encourage all students attending this Mass to come in uniform!

Be safe tomorrow if your family is going out trick-or-treating!