Highlights of the Week: Nov. 28 - Dec. 4
Congratulations to our Grade 6/7 girls' volleyball team - they did a fantastic job at their tournament in Abby yesterday which wraps up their season! A big thank you to Mrs. Choboter for sharing her time and talent by coaching this team. Go Knights!
Our local mountains are starting to look beautiful as the snowpack accumulates, but that can lead to chaos on the ground when it starts to snow down here! Please keep in mind the following things as we anticipate some wintry weather this week:
Any decision to close the school is made with the safety of students, families and staff in mind
We generally follow the lead of School District 33, but also consult with other independent schools in our region. Since ours is not a neighbourhood school where everyone can walk, we may close when public schools remain open.
You will be notified via email and Facebook if school is closed. A decision will be made by 6:30 a.m. We will also notify our local radio station; however, that information is not always updated in a timely manner.
If snow starts to accumulate during the school day, and driving conditions are becoming more hazardous, we will ask you to come early to pick up your children. We will remain open until the last children are picked up.
When school IS in session and there is snow on the ground, please make sure to send your children in boots and warm clothing (jackets, hats, gloves, snow pants if possible) as they will be going outside to play!
to those who picked greens and assembled our school Advent wreaths
to those who came and helped with the Gift Card Sales after the Masses this weekend
to all who have already contributed to our hamper drive
Food Drive Need of the Week: pancake mix and syrup
Now that people are coming into the school more often than in the past few years, a reminder that you should always check in at the office. If you are going to stay for any length of time (i.e., working in a classroom, on supervision) we would like you to wear a visitor's badge, which we will give you at the office. Thank you!
As in previous years, each class has been given a specific family to support for our Christmas Hamper program. The information for your child's class would have been, or will be, sent home from the classroom teacher
Christmas Shop - every year we set up a shop for our students so they can buy gifts for their parents (at the amazing bargain of $1/item!). However, we are in need of gently-used (or new, that you won't be using) items to stock the shop. If you have anything at home that you could send, please do so as soon as possible so our shopkeepers can see what we have and make plans for display. We also welcome donations of Christmas themed gift bags and wrapping paper (the gifts will be wrapped for the children to take home).
If you know someone in need of a Christmas hamper (or are in need yourself) please sign up at the school or parish office by December 9th.
Looking ahead: the Grade 7 class will be selling Candygrams the week of December 5th in support of the Christmas Hamper program. More information to come in next week's highlights.
St. Mary's School/Edupro Academy are in search of a homestay for a Grade 7 boy for January/February:
Hosting fee : $1,000/month
Edupro will provide after school classes from Mon to Thursday 3~4:30pm at St. Mary’s library.
Edupro will plan to have an activity bi weekly. It will be either Saturday or Friday. Edupro will provide rides.
He doesn’t have any allergies.
He likes to play soccer and basketball. He likes all kinds of outdoor activities.
If you take the boy somewhere and you pay extra because of him, his parents will pay the extra.
We are collecting orders for the Purdys fundraiser at this time. Orders are due Monday, November 28th.
We are excited to announce we are embarking on a new fundraising effort- and a little friendly competition with the Parish, to try and raise $20,000 for our school with our BIG RAFFLE fundraiser!
What is the BIG RAFFLE? It’s super easy and simple – we have 1000 raffle tickets for sale in total and cash prizes to be won, with a fun “Bash before Ash (Wednesday)” event at the end to draw the winning tickets.
Here’s where the friendly competition comes in- as a school community, we have 100 books of raffle tickets (5 tickets at $20 each per book) that we need to sell by the end of January in an effort to raise $10,000 for the school! Father Wilfred has sold all 100 books at the parish, and is taking more from us - let's get caught up to him!
If every family takes one book of tickets (to either keep for themselves or sell to friends and family) we can easily sell out our books!
To get your tickets, either stop by the school office, or request them here.
Advent Assembly, hosted by Grade 7 - 10:00 a.m. All families are invited to attend, in the Gym.
Purdy's Orders are due
Hot Lunch - hot dogs
Grade 4/5 Girls Volleyball Practice, 3:00 - 4:00
Grade 4/5 Boys Volleyball Game at Promontory Elementary
Grade 6/7 Girls’ Basketball Game at Hope Secondary, 3:15 p.m.
Mass, Grades 2 - 7 (please wear sweaters) - all families welcome!
Grade 7 - Sacrament of Reconciliation
Grade 4/5 Girls Volleyball Game at Unsworth Elementary, 2:45 p.m. (pick up at 3:30 p.m.)
Grade 4/5 Boys Volleyball Practice, 3:00 - 4:00
Field trip (Gr. 4/5, 5/6 & 7) to SJB’s presentation of Anastasia. Students leave at 9:30 and return to the school at 2:30 pm. Please send a bagged lunch and water, money may be sent for the concession.
Grade 6/7 Girls/Boys Basketball Practice, 3:00 - 4:00
Poinsettia orders can be picked up after school outside the gym.
Second Sunday of Advent
School-led Mass at 9:30 a.m. - Choir and Lectors please arrive at 9:15, wearing full and complete uniform. All students attending are encouraged to wear their uniform today, to promote St. Mary's School.
Please note that I will be away from school from Wednesday to Friday as I attend Catholic Educational Leadership Days with other CISVA principals.
Have a great weekend!