Big Raffle webpage.png

 What is the BIG RAFFLE?

With 1000 tickets for sale and cash prizes to be won, the BIG RAFFLE is St. Mary’s newest and simplest fundraiser!

As a school community, we have 100 books of raffle tickets (5 tickets at $20 each per book) we need to sell by the end of January in an effort to raise $10,000 for the school! St. Mary’s parish is also selling 100 books to help us double our money and bring in $20,000!


1st Prize- $1500
0794 - Larry Fauht
2nd Prize - $500
0063 - Amy Stankiawicz
3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th and 7th Prizes - $100 each
0256 - Pedro C.
0286 - Cathrine Tiago
0907 - Carol Stevenson
0848 - Spaeti
0346 - Dan Delfin

Congratulations to all the winners!

BC Gaming 'Event' License # 136345