Highlights of the Week: Jan. 14 - 19

Weekly Highlights January 14th - 19th 2019

Skating forms, Hot Lunch forms and permission slips for CSOPA's "Once Upon a Mattress" should be in by now.
Shake those "January blahs" and come out for an evening of fun at our Trivia Night next Saturday (no minors).  Hot appies included in your ticket price and there will be snacks on the tables.  Cash bar (all drinks $4).  Tickets are $20/person.  Doors open at 6:30, Trivia starts at 7 pm.  Call the office to reserve your tickets.

Gr 6/7 Boys basketball practice after school  
Ladies Boot Camp 5:45 - 6:45 pm - $2 drop-in
Monte Carlo planning meeting - 7pm at Decades on Wellington - everyone is welcome

Hot Lunch - Lasagna and Hot Dogs
Gr 6/7 Girls BBall game @ Vedder Middle School - 4:15 - 5 pm (pick up at Vedder)
Gr 6/7 Boys Basketball game @ AD Rundle (pick up at 4 pm at Rundle)
Gr 4/5 Boys Volleyball game @ Rosedale Traditional (pick up at 3:15 from Rosedale)

Mass for Grades 2-7 (school sweaters please)
Healthy eating talk for Gr 3 class - Please bring in empty food packet as students will be reading food labels. 
Gr 4/5 girls volleyball game @ McCammon (pick up at McCammon at 3:15)
Karate (8 week session) begins

Gr 4/5 girls and boys volleyball practice 2:50 pm - 4 pm
Volleyball skills (with Mr. Jon Rahe) for Intermediate classes (4-7)  - 5 pm - 6 pm in the gym

Nothing to report

TRIVIA NIGHT - Friends and neighbours welcome!  Get a team together - come test your knowledge and share a lot of laughs. 
Myla is 5 years old and does 3 styles of dance this year; tap, classic ballet and jazz. Myla and her friend Avery Rahe dance together every week for 3 hours at Capella Dance Academy. Myla is also very crafty and has started thread weaving and painting. Myla also enjoys yoga (since she was 2) and gymnastics.
Avery is 6 years old and enjoys her tap, ballet and jazz dance classes with Myla every week. Avery also enjoys skating lessons and playing on her soccer team every fall. In the summer she enjoys taking advantage of all the sports the water has to offer.

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