Physical Education
For updates, please check Seesaw PE/Health for K - Grade 5 and Google Classroom, through your son’s/daughter’s account, for Grades 6&7.
Thursday, April 16, 2020
Don’t forget to take small breaks throughout the day, especially if you’re sitting doing schoolwork or on a computer or device. You should get up and move every half hour. Click on the link below for a chart of ideas.
Tuesday, April 14, 2020
Happy Easter to you and your family. I loved seeing everyone along the parade route and I thank you for coming out; it lifted my spirit! I apologize to all the students and families at the Sardis Sports Complex, as I missed seeing you. Unfortunately, I had to stop for a bathroom pit stop.
For a PE assignment, I would like you to track your daily, health activities. Please fill out the PE log each week by any method: 1. Filling it in online, 2. Printing it and recording by hand, or 3. Writing it on separate paper. Please submit these logs to me, if possible, each Monday by emailing me at . I have filled one out myself for last week as an example. Please feel free to send a photo of your inventive or fun ways to stay healthy. I’d love to see what you’ve come up with. I do understand that each family has a unique situation and as such, please do what works for your family. My objective is to not overwhelm anyone, but to encourage physical, emotional, and spiritual health, especially when we’re stuck inside, often on screens.
Let’s Get Moving!
The focus of Physical Education and Health is to keep moving each day, especially if you can take breaks between your academic lessons. Please do what works best for your family and if that means going outside for an activity in the fresh air, then that’s great. I encourage everyone to get moving for a minimum of 30 – 45 minutes a day. If you can do the BC Ministry’s recommended 60 mins/day for a total of 150 mins/week, then go for it!
Over the next weeks, I will provide you with opportunities for physical activities and learning about health. I have made a note of YouTube videos, so you are aware that ads and pop-ups do occur. I strongly recommend that parents are present anytime these are used. Please use what is best for you, including choosing your own outdoor activities, like walking and bike riding. I don’t want to add more stress to your already busy routines but I am here for support and I encourage you, and myself, to get away from the screens and get moving!
In Christ, we can do all things! God Bless,
Miss Gillespie
PE Resources
Your teacher
Exercise Safely - Reminders
Wash your hands before and after any exercise
Do not use communal equipment (playgrounds, basketball hoops, benches, equipment)
Do not touch your face
Cough into your arm
Exercise only with those who live in your house
Clean any exercise equipment (from your house) after using
Alumni student Marijke D. helps teach basketball skills.
Helpful Links
PE with Joe (YouTube Video)
Glen Higgins Fitness (YouTube Videos)
Join the Challenge Dance Workout (YouTube Video)