Weekly Highlights: Sept. 5 - 10
Welcome Back!
How exciting to begin a new school year! I am looking forward to reconnecting with our wonderful staff and past families, and making new connections with those who are have joined us for the first time this school year.
Most Sundays I will send a WEEKLY HIGHLIGHTS email providing information for the coming week and a look ahead at future events. This always has the most up-to-date information, and I encourage you to watch for it each week. The WEEKLY HIGHLIGHTS also get posted on our parent Facebook group (St. Mary's School Parents Group - if you've not yet requested access to this private group, please do so via Facebook. It's a great place to see school photos, see announcements and make connections with other parents).
Our school staff has been working incredibly hard the last few weeks to get the school and classrooms ready for the students. Thank you to each of them for the dedication they put in both behind the scenes and during the school day!
Our Walkathon will be held at the end of the month, Sunday, September 24. It is a Family/Parish event this year. Stay tuned for more information in the coming week.
Brown Envelopes will be coming home on Wednesday with the September newsletter (which will also be posted online), September calendar and calendar of school closures/early dismissals for the year. Please remember to remove the contents and return the brown envelope the very next day!
I will be sending an email reminder about your child's class placement for children in Grades 1,2, 4 and 5 (all Kindergarten children are with Ms. Foster, all Grade 3 students with Mrs. Weberg, all Grade 6 students with Mrs. Olivares and all Grade 7 students with Mrs. Choboter).
All children are to wear the light blue polo shirt now. However, if you were unable to purchase from SwissPro prior to their leaving for vacation, white or royal blue polos (or non-logo shirts for new families) are acceptable for the first two weeks. SwissPro will be at the school with stock on the afternoon of September 14.
Our used uniform pieces (pants/skirts/sweaters) are currently at the school - feel free to drop in and purchase items for $5 each
Tuesday, September 5, is a NOON DISMISSAL.
Bus schedules were sent out last week. If you were expecting to receive this and did not, please email Mrs. Netzlaw (cnetzlaw@saintmarysschool.ca), bearing in mind that she is not working today and may not see your email until tomorrow morning at 7:30
Click here for an overview of the parking lot procedures to prepare you for busy school drop offs and pick ups. Please remember to park only against the hedges or in the lot between the school and church. Do NOT park against the school building on the south side, or in the diagonal spots in the middle, as this is where cars and buses need to drive for drop-off of students.
If you are not parking, but just dropping off, please pull up as far ahead as you can (i.e., past the crosswalk) so more cars can come in behind you
On early dismissal days, the buses drop off approximately 3 hours earlier than usual; however, sometimes there are children who don't ride the bus home on these days, and your child may be dropped off even earlier. Please be sure to be waiting at the stop 10 - 15 minutes before your expected drop-off time (even on regular days during these first few weeks of school).
All bus riders should be waiting outside at their stop, ready to go, 5 - 10 minutes before the expected pick-up time (drivers should not have to wait for them to be gathering up supplies, putting on shoes and coming out of the house! Thank you for helping our drivers stay on schedule!)
Labour Day holiday - enjoy this last day!
First Day of School!
School runs from 8:40 a.m. - 12:00 NOON
Buses will be running in both the morning and at noon
All parents are welcome to join us in the gym at 9:15 for an Opening Day Prayer Service. Coffee will be available prior to the service.
KINDERGARTEN students should have received the gradual entry schedule. Your child will attend for just a short period today, and parent/guardian/trusted adult is to attend with the child.
Students will NOT be attending Mass today.
Welcome Back BBQ and Curriculum Night, 5:00 - 7:00 p.m.
all families are invited to come and share in a hamburger/hot dog BBQ
we ask those whose last names begin with A - M to bring a veggie plate/fruit plate to share (nothing that requires utensils); those with last names N - Z are invited to bring a dessert (please make sure that it is easy to serve - no cutting or spoons required). We will not be using the gym kitchen, so please be aware that you are asked to take your dishes home to wash or dispose of yourself!
even if you have met your child's teacher in the past (perhaps had an older child with him/her), we ask that EVERYONE attend the curriculum portion of the evening. This is the opportunity for teachers to outline their program for the year and let you know about procedures and expectations. These can change from year to year, even with the same teacher!
supervision on the playground/field will be available for school-aged children while their parents attend the curriculum night (please keep your pre-schoolers with you)
We will NOT have a school-led Sunday Mass this month; these will begin in October. If your child is interested in being a lector at these Sunday Masses (Grades 3 - 7) please let me know and we will try to schedule them in through the year.
Wednesday, September 13: Opening School Mass for Kindergarten - Grade 7
Wednesday, September 13: Individual Photo Day
Thursday, September 14: Swiss Pro at the school in the afternoon with shirts and sweaters
Sunday, September 24: Walkathon!
Wednesday, September 27 - Friday, September 29: Grade 7 Outdoor Education at Camp Squeah
Friday, September 29: Orange Shirt Day for Truth and Reconciliation
Monday, October 2: NO SCHOOL (National Day for Truth and Reconciliation Stat Holiday)
Looking forward to seeing you all tomorrow!
-Mrs. Sallos