Weekly Highlights: May 27 - June 2

I can hardly believe I'm typing June for the Weekly Highlights!  How are we already moving into the last month of the school year?


  • to the many people who worked at the golf tournament and for those who played - thank you for your support of our school!

  • to all those involved in making a beautiful celebration of the Sacrament of Confirmation - those involved in the liturgy itself, and all who helped with the reception in any way.  Congratulations to the Confirmandi!

  • to those who have already filled out the parent survey.  If you've not had a chance yet, please do so here.


  • We are seeing a number of students coming to school with watches that function as phones (i.e., Apple watches).  Please remember that cell phones should NOT be present in the classroom.  If you wish your child to have a phone to be able to contact you outside of school hours, that phone should either stay home (preferable) or be in the student's backpack during the day.  If you need to get a message to your child, please phone the school rather than their cell phone, and if your child needs to contact you, he or she will use the school line.


  • On Tuesday, May 28th, St. Mary's School and St. James and St. Ann's School are joining to present Screenagers: Growing Up in the Digital Age.  This showing is to fulfill the Sexuality and Your Child parent program that CISVA requires each school to present each year (for the past several years, we have used the online LoveEd program).  We especially invite parents of children in Grades 4 - 7, but this invitation is open to all families.  As we are seeing and hearing of more of our students with cell phones and access to the internet, it is especially important for parents to understand how digital tools can be both a help and a hindrance at a young age.  The movie will be shown in our gym at 7:00 p.m.

  • Uniforms:  we are seeing a number of children not wearing uniform shoes (can be running shoes, but must be all-black) and pants that are more like leggings.  Leggings should really be worn under longer shirts or dresses, and don't fit the requirement of pants.  Blue dress shorts are permitted at this time of year.

  • Birthday invitations: please be mindful when issuing invitations for birthday parties.  Unless the whole class is invited, we request that you not pass out invitations at school - instead, please use the contact information from the parent email directory.  If you did not sign up for this at registration time, we can add your name to the list.


  • 3:00 - 4:00 p.m. - LAST Track Practice of the Season!

    • You are asked to go to the field to pick up your child after practice.


  •  St. James Track Meet at Rotary Stadium (32470 Haida Dr, Abbotsford) - for those selected to attend

  • Screenagers: Growing Up in the Digital Age showing, 7:00 p.m. in the gym


  • Mass  - Grades 1 - 7, 9:00 a.m.  All families welcome!

  • Hot lunch - Chicken Burgers


  • Grade 5/6 and 7 Entrepreneurial Fair


  • Colour Day (no special theme, just a non-uniform day - please be sure that clothing reflects Christian standards for any slogans/messages printed on it, and for modesty)



  • 9:30 a.m. School-led Sunday Mass - lectors and choir members, please arrive at 9:15 in neat and tidy uniform!


  • Friday, June 7:  NO SCHOOL (Staff Planning Day for 2024-25)

  • Wednesday, June 12:  Volunteer Tea

  • Friday, June 14:  Sports Day (NOON DISMISSAL)

  • Friday, June 21:  Grade 7 Farewell (evening)

  • Tuesday, June 25:  Celebration of Learning (afternoon)

  • Wednesday, June 26:  Last day of school (NOON DISMISSAL)

Have a wonderful last week of May!

-Mrs. Sallos