St. Mary's School

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Weekly Highlights: June 24 - 30

I am sitting here in disbelief at the realization that this is the last time I will be sending out these highlights - not only for the year but forever!  I have many fond memories of the last five years, and above all wish to express my thanks for all who have been such a support to me - staff, PEC members, pastors, families and students.  I am richer for having known each of you, and I look forward to continuing to interact with you as a St. Mary's Parishioner.


  • to all who helped with Water Fun Day last Tuesday - truly a great time for the students!

  • to all who helped with the Grade 7 Farewell on Friday evening!


  • yearbooks will be coming home on Monday for all those who ordered one

  • the school office will be open on Thursday and Friday of this week, then from Tuesday to Friday the following week (closed on Canada Day)

  • as previously announced, Mrs. Weberg will be the vice-principal going forward; there should be an announcement soon re: the overseeing principal


  • please make sure any library books are returned!

  • please make sure any financial issues have been settled prior to our June 30th year-end

  • we have a huge number of items in the Lost and Found, including many unlabelled school sweaters and a few other uniform pieces.  Anything not collected by June 26th will be donated.  Please come by and have a look!


  • Choir lunch - open to all choir members (even if you joined later in the year!)

  • 10:45 am - 12:00 pm Gr. 5/6 & 7 Field Trip to Valleyhaven 

  • 12:45 - 2:30 pm Gr. 7 Field Trip to St. Mary’s Cemetery


  •  Dress Your Best Day - come to school in your dress up clothes!

  • Celebration of Learning - 1:10 p.m., in the church - all students will be recognized


  • Final School Mass  - Grades K - 7, 10:30 a.m.  All families welcome!

    • this is the Mass where Grade 7 students pass the candles of leadership to the Grade 6 students



  • office open from 9 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.


  • office open from 9 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.




  • July  2nd - 5th - School office open from 9 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

  • August 19th - School office reopens

  • September 3rd - First day of school - NOON DISMISSAL

Have a wonderful summer holiday!  I will pray for the safety of all staff, students and families during this time.  

-Mrs. Sallos