St. Mary's School

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Weekly Highlights: June 17 - 23

A very happy Father's Day to all of our school and staff fathers and grandfathers, and to those who act as father-figures to our loved ones.  Here is a lovely prayer for fathers:

God our Father, through the intercession of St. Joseph, foster father of Your Son,

Our Lord Jesus Christ, we give you thanks and praise for all fathers in the world.

We pray for them so that they may they find courage and perseverance to balance work, family and faith in joy and sacrifice.

We ask you for an ever-increasing faithful and generous love of fathers to their respective wives and children. We ask you not only for their physical and material well-being, but also that they be authentic Christian fathers seeking holiness in the middle of the world so as to attain happiness here on earth and in heaven.

We pray for those whose children are lost, sick or are suffering; may they know that the God of compassion walks with them in their sorrow.

We pray for men, especially the priests and monks, who exercise their paternity in a spiritual way and guide others with fatherly concern and advice.

We remember fathers, grandfathers, and great grandfathers who are no longer with us but who live forever in our memory and nourish us with their love.

Bless them and may they rest in peace. Amen.


  • to those who attended the volunteer tea, and particularly to all those who worked hard to put it on.  Special shout-out to Mrs. Choboter for coordinating the event, and to the students for their performances!

  • to Mrs. Choboter and the Grade 7 team (along with staff and parent helpers) for an amazing Sports Day on Friday!


  • Next Tuesday is our "Dress Your Best" and "Celebration of Learning" afternoon.  Students are invited to come to school in Sunday-best clothes, and we will assemble in the church in the afternoon for our annual awards presentations. 

    • students will be seated with their class

    • the ceremony will begin promptly at 1:10

    • every student in the school is recognized, and some traditional St. Mary's awards are also presented to a few students

    • parents, guardians and other family members are most welcome (and encouraged!) to attend

    • if we end prior to the 2:50 bell, you are able to take your child home right away if that is more convenient for you.  Buses will run as always.


  • please make sure any library books are returned!

  • please make sure any financial issues have been settled prior to our June 30th year-end

  • we have a huge number of items in the Lost and Found, including many unlabelled school sweaters and a few other uniform pieces.  Anything not collected by June 26th will be donated.  Please come by and have a look!



  • Water Fun Day - come to school dressed in clothes that can get wet!  Bring a towel, sunscreen, hat, etc.  At this point it looks like we won't have rain - please pray for a good weather day!

  • Grade 5/6 and 7 to swimming lessons


  • Mass  - Grades 1 - 7, 9:00 a.m.  All families welcome!

  • Hot lunch - Subway  LAST HOT LUNCH OF THE YEAR - a big thank you to our volunteers for keeping it going all year!

  • PEC Meeting, 6:30 p.m.


  • Grade 7 to Cultus Lake Waterslides


  • National Indigenous Peoples Day

  • Colour  (non-uniform) day

  • Grade 7 students ONLY dismissed at noon 

  • Grade 7 Farewell, 6:00 p.m. Mass with reception to follow




  • Tuesday, June 25:  Celebration of Learning (afternoon)

  • Wednesday, June 26:  Last day of school - Mass at 10:30 a.m. instead of 9:00 a.m.  (NOON DISMISSAL)

  • Wednesday, June 26:  Final progress reports will be sent home

How can this be the second-to-last highlights for the year???  Look for a very short one next Sunday!

-Mrs. Sallos