Highlights on the Week: Dec. 12 - 18



  • to all of those who helped with the Christmas Lunch on Wednesday, including shopping, preparation and set-up the night before, cooking and serving the day of, and clean up.  It was an amazing experience and a delicious turkey lunch!  A special shout-out to the organizer, Alisha Miller, who really went above and beyond in making this lunch happen.

  • to everyone who contributed to our Christmas Shop in some way - donating items, helping set up, helping children shop and wrapping the gifts.  The excitement of the little ones as they carry out their precious packages is such a joy to behold!  Proceeds of the shop will be used for our Christmas Hampers.

  • to the Grade 7 class for managing the Candygram program - another fundraiser for Christmas Hampers!

  • although it is not strictly a school project, thank you to Mrs. Olivares for her active role in creating the amazing Nativity Scene in the church!


  • Food Drive Need of the Week: cereal

  • Auditions for our Spring Musical will be held this week.  Permission forms were already handed out to interested students.  Please note that, like the auditions, rehearsals are held in the morning before school starts.  With the other clubs and sports events that happen through the year, as well as teachers' meeting and supervision schedules, this is the only time of day that works for rehearsals.  Every student in the school is involved in the musical in some way, even if they are unable to take an onstage role.

  • Swiss Promo will be closed from December 13 to January 11. You will be unable to phone, email or visit the store during that time.

  • In January we are trying some new hot lunch items, including a new pizza supplier.  Your feedback is very welcome!  Hot lunch ordering for January only will go live on Tuesday.


  • Our Annual Advent Prayer Service will be held in the CHURCH on Wednesday, at 7:00 p.m.  Every class has been working hard to prepare for this (this is our "Christmas concert").  It is our hope that every child is able to attend.

    • Students should come to their classroom no earlier than 6:30 p.m. and no later than 6:45 p.m.

    • Students will sit in the church with their classes - friends and family will be seated behind.

    • Following the service, we ask you to come to the school to collect your children from their classrooms.  Please also take a look at the Lost and Found at this time!


  • Pick-up for Purdy's Orders


  • Hot Lunch -  chicken and rice

  • Grade 6/7 Girls Basketball Game, 4:00 - 5:00, Mt. Slesse Middle School.  Please remember that parents are to make arrangements for students to get there and be picked up.  If you are having another parent take your child, please inform the coach beforehand.

  • Hot lunch ordering for January is available


  • Mass, Grades 2 - 7 (please wear sweaters) - all families welcome!

  • Advent Prayer Service, 7:00 p.m. (Children dropped off between 6:30 and 6:45)


  • Grade 4/5 - Sacrament of Reconciliation

  • Preschool Christmas Concert


  • Red and Green Colour Day

  • Christmas Singalong in the Gym, 11:30 a.m. (please note, other notices said 11:00, but 11:30 is the correct time!).  All friends and family welcome!

  • Noon Dismissal for Christmas Vacation!



  • Fourth Sunday of Advent 

CHRISTMAS MASSES at St. Mary's Parish.  Attending any of these fulfills the obligation to attend Mass on Christmas Day:

  • Christmas Eve (December 24th):  5:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m., Midnight Mass

  • Christmas Day (December 25th): 9:30 a.m. and 11:30 a.m.

JANUARY 1st is the Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God, which is also a Holy Day of Obligation.  Because it falls on a Sunday, the usual Sunday Mass times are in effect.

TUESDAY, January 3:  School re-opens (January 23 on the Calendar Highlights sheet was a typo!)

Wishing all of you continued blessings for the remainder of Advent, and a very happy Christmas!  Thank you for your continued support of St. Mary's School - we are blessed to have our community!