Highlights of the Week: Sept. 17 - 21
Thank you to Dani & Nahrain Hawel and Kal Tire! Their Community Day Event was a great success. The donations from the BBQ totalled $487.25. Dani and Nahrain topped it up to $500 and Kal Tire matched this with another $500 and donated to St. Mary's Fundraising efforts. That's a total donation of $1000! Thank you Dani, Nahrain and Kal Tire. Your support and generosity is greatly appreciated!
- Donations of prizes for our Games Day raffle still needed.
- Also looking for more people to bake cupcakes, cakes and cookies/squares for Games Night (drop off Friday morning)
- Reminder: Deadline for coupon book orders is September 24th. If you are not purchasing the book that was sent home, please return it to the school as soon as possible.
Cross Country Practice 3 pm - 4 pm
Ladies Boot Camp - 5:45 - 6:45 pm in the gym. $2 drop in. Bring a mat and weights if you have them. All fitness levels welcome!
First Hot Lunch day of the year (Hot Dogs)
Grade 6 Field Trip to Historic Yale
Cross Country Practice 3 pm - 4 p.m. (Note: Cross Country practices are held every 2nd Tuesday)
Mass for Grades 2 - 7 (school sweaters please)
Grade 4/5 co-ed soccer tryouts after school (Wednesday and Friday this week)
Cross Country practice 3 pm - 4 p.m.
Freezie Friday
Grade 4/5 co-ed soccer tryouts after school.
GAMES NIGHT in the gym (5 pm - 7:30 p.m.) Fun for the whole family! Stay for dinner and take advantage of our "Meal Deal" consisting of a hot dog, juice box and cupcake for only $2.50! Carnival games, cake walk, bouncy castle, raffle, professional face painting, and bake sale. There will even be some "pie throwing"! - come see who was brave enough to put their name forward for this!