Highlights of the Week: Oct. 11-17
Happy Long Weekend!!
to those who attended the First Communion Parents Meeting on Tuesday - what a great turn-out!
to everyone who has driven to/picked up from sports games and practices this week - thank you for being prompt at pick-up time!
for contributing to the food drive
food bank contributions should not be past their "Best Before" date, please!
Mrs. Donegan is in just one day/week (and the occasional afternoon). If you have questions, you can email her directly at bookkeeper@saintmarysschool.ca
siblings are not permitted to attend sports practices - they should be picked up (or go home on the bus) as usual
deadline for ordering hot lunch for November is October 21st. You can order for November and December.
No School - Thanksgiving Holiday
Deadline to order LifeTouch student photos (through office or online). After this date, LifeTouch will charge a late fee.
Deadline for Gr. 6/7 parent consent forms for immunizations
FOOD DRIVE NEED OF THE WEEK: dry pasta, canned/bottled pasta sauce. Donations can be brought to the office all month.
Hot Lunch - Subway
Grade 4/5 Co-ed Soccer Game - 3:00 p.m., at St. Mary's
Grade 6/7 Girls Tripleball Practice - 3:00 - 4:00 p.m.
Grade 6/7 Boys Tripleball Game - 3:15 p.m., at Mt. Slesse Middle School (parents must arrange transport)
School Mass for Grades 2 - 7 - please wear white shirts and school sweaters
Cross Country Practice - 3:00 - 4:00 p.m.
Grade 6/7 Boys Triple ball Practice - 3:00 - 4:00 p.m.
Grade 4/5 Co-ed Soccer Practice - 3:00 - 4:00 p.m.
Grade 6/7 Girls Triple ball Game - 3:15 p.m., at Highroad Academy (parents must arrange transport)
Cross Country Meet - 3:30 p.m., at Fairfield Park (parents must arrange transport)
Mom's Pantry fundraiser order deadline (can send in paper form or order online. Have I mentioned the croissants?)
Living Rosary Prayer Service for students
9:30 a.m. - Enrollment Mass for First Communion students
Have a blessed Thanksgiving!