Highlights of the Week: Nov. 8 - 14
to all for your participation in Parent-Teacher Interviews. I know from personal experience and through talking to our teachers that some very good conversations were had!
to all of the volunteers who helped with this year's Book Fair, and to all those who purchased books. We had very good sales, which will benefit our library greatly! Thank you also to Mrs. Alison ten Bohmer for her organization of the fair.
You are still welcome to submit family pages for Our Book of Souls and we will pray for the repose of the soul of your loved ones during the month of November
We will happily accept donations for poppies on behalf of the Royal Canadian Legion Poppy Campaign
Mom's Pantry pick-up day has changed from Monday to Tuesday
FOOD DRIVE NEED OF THE WEEK: Hamburger Helper/Tuna Helper
If you are coming into the school, please remember to wear a mask!
Hot Lunch: Chopped Leaf
Grade 6 Curling Field Trip - students may wear colour clothes, and should dress in layers (along with gloves, hats, etc. - it gets cold out there on the ice! Students also need to bring a CLEAN pair of shoes (i.e., in addition to the shoes they wear to walk over to the curling rink)
Grade 4/5 Girls Volleyball Practice, 3:00 - 4:00 p.m.
Mom's Pantry order pick-up, 2:30 - 3:30 p.m. (in gym foyer)
NO Mass for school kids (Mass is still on for the parish)
Remembrance Day Prayer Service - hosted by Grade 4/5 - donations for poppies should be sent in by this day.
Grade 4/5 Boys Volleyball Practice, 3:00 - 4:00 p.m.
Remembrance Day - NO SCHOOL
Meeting for all parents of children who currently take the school bus (and anyone considering the bus next year) - we request the presence of at least one parent from each family - there are important financial considerations to share with you. MEETING IN THE GYM at 2:00 p.m.
Wishing you a wonderful week ahead!