Highlights of the Week: Nov. 18 - 24
- Thank you Skylar and Ronald for doing such an amazing job on the east stairs - they look fabulous!
- Please ensure your child comes to school dressed for the weather (boots/jackets). While the students do stay inside if it is raining heavily, they do go out if it is just sprinkling.
- This month's PEC (Parish Education Committee) meeting has been moved to Wednesday instead of Thursday.
- We are thrilled to announce that we sold $1,300 in gift cards after 2 masses this weekend. We will continue to sell gift cards after Masses up until just before Christmas.
We encourage all our school families to support this very easy fundraiser. We all purchase groceries and gas! Be sure to check out our Christmas order form as there are over 50 vendors to choose from - an opportunity to do all your Christmas shopping from the comfort of your own home!
Attention Business Owners: If you traditionally "gift" your employees at Christmas, please consider purchasing gift cards through the school.
NEED OF THE WEEK - Canned Meat and Fish
Deadline to order poinsettias (money raised goes to the Kids Who Can Club)
Ladies Boot Camp 5:45 - 6:45 pm Bring a water bottle and mat and weights if you have them - it's never too late to join!!
Hot Lunch - Chopped Leaf & Hot Dogs
Deacon Rennie visits Grades 6 & 7
Grade 6/7 Girls Basketball game @ CMS (Chilliwack Middle School)
Grade 6/7 Boys Basketball game @ Agassiz Senior
Mass for Grades 2 - 7 (school sweaters please)
CANCELLED - Grades 4/5 girls and boys volleyball practice
PEC (Parish Education Committee) Meeting in the staff room (6:30 pm)
Grades 6/7 boys and girls basketball practice 3 - 4 pm
Spanish Mass 6:30 pm