Highlights of the Week: Mar. 4 - 8

Auditions for the Variety show will take place this week.  Mrs. Choboter will remind students the day before about their auditions and email primary parents a reminder.
Please return hot lunch forms to the school this week as ordering will have to be done during Spring Break. 
Grades 6 and 7 go snowshoeing and tubing at Sasquatch Mountain.  Students are to be at the school before 7:30 a.m. as the bus will leave  promptly at 7:30.  Bring snow gear, a lunch and water. Students must bring a helmet for tubing.  Parents are to pick their child up from the school - Return time: approx. 4:30 pm.
- Last day for school registration.  Packages received after today will be subject to a $50 late charge.
- Science Workshop - Grades 3 and 5
- Ladies Boot Camp 5:45-6:45 - $2 drop-in
- PFG Meeting 7 pm in the staff room - everyone welcome!
Shrove Tuesday - Mrs. O and the Grade 6 class will serve pancakes to all students in the morning.
Hot Lunch - hot dogs
Gr 6 girls basketball practice after school
Ash Wednesday Mass (School Mass) at 9 a.m. - please join us!
Girls basketball game @ Chilliwack Senior (3:15 - 4:45 pm)
DEADLINE for April/May/June Hot lunch forms
Grade 3 class to Stillwood
Life Skills swimming

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