Highlights of the Week: Mar. 2 - 6
Congratulations to our kindergarten students for completing their first 100 days of school!
- Please return brown envelopes to the school ASAP as the April newsletter will be sent home on the first day back from Spring Break.
- Please return April/May/June hot lunch forms by March 12th, as ordering will take place over Spring Break.
- DEADLINE for school registration packages is March 5th (to avoid $50 late charge). If your family will not be returning to St. Mary's in September, please let us know by March 5th.
- Tickets to our musical will be available this week. Stop by the office (Tuesday onward) or email the office for your tickets to be sent home - ticket prices are in March newsletter - (payment will be taken out of your account). Please indicate whether you will be attending the 11 am performance or 7 pm (or both).
Parent Fundraising Group (PFG) meeting - 7 pm in the staff room - everyone welcome!
Ladies Boot Camp 5:45 - 6:45 pm - $2 drop in (bring a water bottle, weights and mat if you have them.)
Hot Lunch - Burritos and Hot Dogs
Boys BBall game @ McCammon Elementary
Gr 4/5 Girls basketball practice after school
First Communion Meeting #4 - 6:30 pm
Mass for Grades 2 - 7 (school sweaters please!)
Girls Bball game @ McCammon Elementary
Deadline for school registration packages ($50 late charge will be applied to all packages returned after today).
Boys BBall practice after school
Stations of the Cross @ 6:30 pm, Mass to follow at 7 pm