Highlights of the Week: June 26 - 30
The year went by so fast I can hardly believe this is the last weekly highlights of the 2022-2023 school year! What a year filled with so many wonderful highlights.
Thank you:
to our parent volunteers who helped pop popcorn and distribute it, so the students could have a bonus treat with their movie last week!
to our water day volunteers that were ready to go at a moment's notice, and also ready to be flexible when the decision to cancel was made.
to the coaches, parents and students for a fantastic track season which came to a close last week.
Summer Office Hours - the school office will be open until July 7th with reduced hours of operation. We will be available by phone or email from 9 am - noon weekdays.
The Parent Survey will be open until Wednesday, June 28th (the last day of school). We welcome anyone who has not yet responded to do so as soon as possible: https://forms.gle/xSqrGo9qteteh7ia9
Grade 5/6 and 7 field trip - students must have a helmet and can bring anything with wheels, although bikes are not allowed on the school bus. Grade 5/6 & 7 students may wear colour clothes for this field trip, (though students in other grades are expected to be in full uniform.)
Dress Your Best, Celebration of Learning: This is a special colour day where students are to wear their Sunday best to school. We will follow up the day with our Celebration of Learning beginning at 12:30 pm in the church. Please note: lunch will be early this day, with the eating period beginning at 11:30 am.
Gr. K-7 Mass at 10:45 am
Noon Dismissal
Summer vacation begins!
School office open from 9 am - noon
School office open from 9 am - noon
Looking forward to a short week of celebration as we end our school year!