St. Mary's School

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Highlights of the Week: Jan. 9-15

The last week was short, but busy!  It was good to see so many smiling faces back, and to get back into the swing of things following the holiday.


  • to all lectors and choir members for attending our school-led Mass this morning, and to their families for getting them there!  It was also great to see other students in uniform in the congregation, and so many altar servers!


  • Swiss Promo will be closed  to January 11. You will be unable to phone, email or visit the store during that time.

  • Auditions for the Talent Show are coming up next week. Information regarding auditions was sent by email, posted on Facebook and included in the newsletter.  If you have additional questions, please contact Mrs. Choboter (


  • Hot lunch day has been changed to WEDNESDAYS. You can still order hot lunch online for upcoming hot lunches. 

  • Please get your tickets (sold/unsold) and money for the Big Raffle back to the school as soon as possible!

  • Brown envelopes were sent home last Tuesday.  If you have not already returned it, please do so!

  • Dress for the weather!  Students will go outside for recess and lunch most days, even if there is light rain or cold.  In extreme weather conditions we will keep them inside.  Please make sure that your children come to school with warm/waterproof clothing and footwear, even if it is not raining in the morning - we know how quickly weather can change here!

  • In the event of a school closure due to bad weather, we will make an announcement via email, Facebook group and on our website.



  • Grade 4/5 Boys Volleyball at Robertson Elementary (parents are responsible for taking the students there and picking up afterwards.  Please let the coach know if someone other than you will be driving your child).

  • Grade 4/5 Girls Volleyball Practice, 3:00 - 4:00 p.m.


  • Hot Lunch:  hot dogs

  • Musical Rehearsal, 7:30 - 8:30 a.m.

  • Mass, Grades K - 7 (please wear sweaters) - all families welcome!

  • Grade 4/5 Boys Volleyball Practice, 3:00 - 4:00 p.m.

  • Grade 4/5 Girls Volleyball Game at Promontory Elementary (parents are responsible for taking the students there and picking up afterwards.  Please let the coach know if someone other than you will be driving your child).


  • Musical Rehearsal, 7:30 - 8:30 a.m.

  • Grade 7 Basketball Practice, 3:00 - 4:00 p.m.