Highlights of the Week: Jan. 31 - Feb. 6
Art by the Grade 6 class
to all who helped make last night's Pub Night a success from start to finish. A lot of behind-the-scenes action happens for an event like this, and we are grateful to all who organized, worked and attended!
to all for continuing to inform us when your children are absent due to illness. We appreciate the promptness of so many - makes our jobs easier!
Catholic Schools Week is February 13 - 19. There is more information about this in the newsletter, which will be sent out this week. One thing that some students are already excited about is a Talent Show. This is planned for February 16th; depending on regulations at the time, it may be live or virtual.
Talent Show auditions will be held the week of February 7th. Your child can sign up outside the Grade 7 classroom. For younger students, please advise their classroom teacher and they will be assisted with the sign-up process.
That week we will have our monthly school-led Sunday Mass, as well as several theme dress-up days - please see newsletter and calendar for details.
Online Bingo fundraiser will be held on February 18th, in the evening. Further details will be in the newsletter.
brown envelopes will be going out next week - please send yours back if you haven't already!
to minimize the time the children spend outside together in the morning, please drop your child off as close to 8:40 as possible
continue to do a daily health screen. Refer to this document for the latest requirements regarding absences, isolation, etc.
Notice from Miss Gillespie for PE classes:
We are happy to announce that Mrs. ten Bohmer will be guest appearing in PE classes for the next four Mondays. She is trained and certified in Pietra Fitness, which is a Catholic based fitness program; it combines stretching, strengthening, and Christian prayer. To read more about this program, please read this letter. Students will not need any equipment but they are welcome to bring a towel to use under their knees or head, if they would like. Classes will take place each Monday from Jan. 31 to Feb. 28. If you have any questions, please contact Miss Gillespie.
Hot Lunch: Pizza Hut
Hot Lunch ordering is live online for April - June: Go here.
Mass for Grades K - 7. Please wear white shirts and school sweaters.
A quiet week ahead! Hope it's a good one for all!