Highlights of the Week: Dec. 6 - 12
FIRST REMINDER: This morning's 9:30 Mass is our monthly School-led Mass. Lectors and choir members are asked to arrive by 9:15 a.m. and should be in neat and tidy uniform. All students attending this Mass are encouraged to come in uniform and show some St. Mary's pride!
to those who responded so quickly to our appeal for assistance for one of our families - what an amazing community we have!
to those who have volunteered for our various December activities. Please also see a note in the INFORMATION section.
Pizza Hut has informed us that at this point they have not received their shipment of pineapple and so may not be able to put pineapple on the Hawaiian pizzas unless they receive stock before our Tuesday hot lunch. Children who ordered Hawaiian will just have ham and cheese.
Candygrams and candy bags are available for sale this year - $1/candygram and $2/candy bag. Students can send these to each other, and parents can also contact Mrs. Choboter (kchoboter@saintmarysschool.ca) if they would like to send a surprise to their child. By the end of the week, we will make sure every child has received at least one treat. This is a service project by our Grade 7 students, and proceeds go toward Christmas hampers.
Parent Participation: we respectfully request that if you have completed your volunteer hours for the year, you hold off on signing up for new opportunities in order to give everyone a chance to get the chance to get their hours in. From now on, we will hold off on sending sign-up opportunities out until the evening, so that those who cannot access emails or Facebook during working hours will have a chance to see them easily as well. Please remember that when an email goes out with a Sign-Up link, you should use that instead of replying via email or Facebook. Thank you!
FOOD DRIVE NEED OF THE WEEK: cereal and bags of rice
If you are coming into the school, please remember to wear a mask!
Parking lot in the morning: if you are dropping your children off and then driving away, please just pull up as far forward as you can by the cones, then circle around to exit. No cars should be parked in the centre stalls in the morning, as this interferes with parents dropping off and with the buses pulling in and then needing to park. Parking should be limited to the spaces beside the hedge. Please walk your children to the crosswalk if you are parking, and watch for cars pulling out!
There is still time to send in items and wrapping materials for the Christmas Shop!
There are still spaces on Sign-Up for the Christmas lunch on December 8th.
Last day to order gift cards: Friday, December 10th (by 3:00)
Hot Lunch: Pizza Hut
Grade 4/5 Girls Volleyball Practice, 3:00 - 4:00 p.m.
Grade 6/7 Boys Basketball Game, 4:00 - 5:30 p.m. at Mt. Slesse Middle School. Remember, families are responsible for getting their children to/from the games. If you are making an arrangement with another family for carpooling, please let Mr. Seiler (mseiler@saintmarysschool.ca) or the office know what has been planned.
Mass for Kindergarten to Grade 7. Please wear white shirts and school sweaters.
Grade 7 to receive Sacrament of Reconciliation, along with the Grade 3 students in the 2/3 class
Christmas Lunch (Rotini Pasta, Sauce, Meatballs, Bun, Cookie) If your child will not eat the provided lunch, please do send a normal lunch with him/her and it can be brought over to the gym
Grade 4/5 Boys Volleyball Practice, 3:00 - 4:00 p.m.
Parent Fundraising Group Meeting, 6:30 p.m. via Zoom . Remember, participating in this meeting earns you one participation hour!
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 748 7313 6554
Passcode: pGJE09
Christmas Shop - children to bring $2 to shop for the adult members of their family.
Deadline to order gift cards (by 3:00!)
Third Sunday of Advent - Rejoice!