Highlights of the Week: Dec. 10 - 16

Highlights for the Week of December 10th - 14th 2018

- Our Christmas Shop is this Friday and we still need many more items.  Small, gently used items for moms and dads appreciated.  Please drop off at the school office ASAP. 
- Donations for the class hampers (gifts for the families/non-perishable food items) collected until December 18th - thank you for your generosity!  
Need of the Week:  Crackers and Soup but ALL non-perishable food items gratefully accepted!
-  The Grade 7s will continue to sell candy grams/candy bags this week.  All monies raised will go towards shopping for the Christmas Hampers.
- Please return your brown envelopes to the office this week (Hot Lunch forms and Skating permission slips).  The January brown envelope will be sent out before the Christmas break.
Grades 6 & 7 to Vancouver Aquarium.  The bus, and parent drivers, will be leaving the school promptly at 7:30 a.m. and cannot wait for late-comers.  Please have your child at the school by 7:20.
Grade 6/7 Boys Basket Ball practice cancelled today
Ladies Boot Camp 5:45 - 6:45 pm ($2 drop in).  This is the last class before Christmas.  Boot Camp resumes January 7th.

Hot Lunch - Hot Dogs
Grade 6/7 Girls BBall game @ Rosedale Traditional (parents to pick up at 4:45 pm from Rosedale)
Grade 6/7 Boys BBall game @ Highroad Academy (parents to pick up at 5:30 from Highroad)

Mass for Grades 2 - 7 (school sweaters please)
St. Mary's students will be treated to a Turkey "dinner" at lunch time.  Thank you to all those parents who have offered to help set up/serve and clean up!  This is a uniform day but students are invited to wear "Christmas head attire" today!

Grade 7 class shops for Christmas hampers.
St. Mary's choir visits Valleyhaven retirement home
KG Vision and Hearing tests
Grades 4/5 Girls & Boys volleyball practice after school 2:50 - 4 pm
PEC meeting - Note: this is an off-site meeting (Christmas get-together) so it won't be a regular meeting.  Next meeting will be held January 24/19.

Christmas Shop for students - all items $1.  Parent volunteers will wrap the presents and the gifts will be send home with the children.
DEADLINE FOR GIFT CARD ORDERS - Today is the last day to order gift cards.  Gift cards ordered today will be delivered to the school by December 21st.
Purdy's Chocolate orders may be picked up today before school (8:30 a.m.  - 9:00 a.m. and after school until 3:15 pm)
Grade 6

Noah has a passion for music and choral singing. Noah belongs to the Chilliwack Children and Youth Choir and has been performing alongside the Chilliwack Symphony Orchestra and Chorus for the past 4 years under the direction of Ms. Paula DeWit.  Ms. DeWit is also the music and band teacher for St. Mary's!

Noah has had the opportunity to be interviewed at local radio station 89.5, he has sung with contemporary Christian music artist Chris Tomlin and violinist and pianist sensations, Roy & Rosemary. Noah’s repertoire includes Handel’s Messiah, Mozart’s Requiem and Leonard’s Cohen Halleluiah, to name a few.
Noah also plays piano, and has recently started on the saxophone with St. Mary’s band program. He is a member of the Spartan Swim Club and an aspiring Junior Lifeguard. 

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