Highlights of the Week: April 1 - 7


- On Friday, we will hold a bake sale in support of our Seminarians.  Donations of baked goods (individually wrapped) would be greatly appreciated (nut and peanut free).  Items will be sold for .50 and will be sold during recess and lunch..  Please call or email the school office if you are able to bake something.  Thanks for your support!
- New hot lunch menu (April/May/June) starts this week.  There were a number of hot lunch forms still outstanding before Spring Break.
- Schedule for Parent/Teacher/Student interviews was sent home before Spring Break. If you aren't on the schedule, but would like to be, please call the school office.
- New Karate session starts April 17th (registration forms were sent home in April newsletter)
- Tickets for our Evening in Monte Carlo "Putting on the Ritz" fundraiser are now available from the school office!

Robotics club meets after school - 3 pm - 4:30
Ladies Boot Camp 5:45 - 6:45 pm - $2 drop in
Parent Association Meeting (PFG) 7 pm in the staff room - everyone welcome!

Hot Lunch (Hot Dogs)
Gr 6 girls basketball practice 2:50 - 4 pm

Langley Environmental Partners Science Workshops for Grades 4, 6 & 7
Mass for Grades 2 - 7 (school sweaters please)
Gr 4/5 girls basketball game @ St. Mary's @ 2:30 pm (pick up at 3:15)

Gr 3 Field Trip to Cheam Lake
Gr 4/5 girls and boys Basketball practice 3 - 4 pm
Gr 6 girls basketball game @ Unity Christian (pick up at 4:45 pm)

Bake sale fundraiser for the Seminarians.  Items will be sold during the lunch hour (all items $.50)

School Mass 9:30 a.m. (School choir will be singing)

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