Highlights of the Week: Apr 3 - 10


This first week back from break certainly went quickly!  There were definitely some tired children going home on Friday afternoon - it's not always easy to get back into routine!  The next two weeks are short ones, with the Easter weekend holidays, but then we have quite a stretch of full weeks until Victoria Day weekend.


  • to everyone who helped with the skating trip on Thursday.  Check out the pictures in our parent Facebook group - it sure seems like everyone had a great time!

  • to all who made a donation to the Holy Childhood Association for Friday's Colour Day.  We raised approximately $285, which we will present to Sister Cora when she comes to visit the school on April 18th.  

  • to those who have already signed up to help with the golf tournament - as of Friday afternoon, 25% of the spots had already been filled!


  • We mistakenly told parents of students in the Grade 3/4 class NOT to order Hot Lunch on Wednesday, May 3rd, thinking that this was the date for the field trip to release the salmon they have been raising.  This was an error:  please do order hot lunch for that day if you normally do so! That field trip will be on Monday, May 1.


  • Hot lunch ordering for the last months of school is open. For future lunches, please go to https://munchalunch.com/login.aspx?multi=true to order.

  • Most registration packages for next year have been received - thank you so much!  If you are planning to have your child return to St. Mary's next year and have not sent your package yet, please do so as soon as possible so we may finalize our classroom and staffing plans.

    • Note to parents of Grade 7 students:  Mr. Bittante asked us to remind you to submit your registration packages for SJB if you are sending your child there.  



  • Grade 4/5 Boys Basketball game at East Chilliwack Elementary, 2:45 p.m. (please remember to make arrangements to transport your child there and home, and to let the coach - and your child! - know if someone other than you will be doing the transporting!)


  • School Mass, Grades K - 7, 9:00 a.m. (all are welcome)

  • Confessions for Grades 2 and 7

  • Hot Lunch:  chicken burgers

  • Grade 4/5 Girls Basketball game at East Chilliwack Elementary, 2:30 p.m. (please remember to make arrangements to transport your child there and home, and to let the coach - and your child! - know if someone other than you will be doing the transporting!)


  • Holy Thursday

    • students to participate in Holy Thursday retreat activities at the school

    • Stations of the Cross presented by our Grade 5/6 class at 11:15 a.m. - all parents are welcome to attend this prayerful presentation (note: this presentation is really not suitable for babies and toddlers/preschoolers.  As well, all spectators will be seated on the floor, as the presentation involves a procession around the gym, so anyone unable to sit comfortably the whole time may wish to reconsider attending.)

    • noon dismissal (buses will run with 

    • NO Basketball practice

  • This evening begins the Easter Triduum - Mass of the Lord's Supper in St. Mary's Church at 7:00 p.m.


  • Good Friday - no school

  • Stations of the Cross and Divine Mercy Novena at 10:00 a.m. in St. Mary's Church

  • Good Friday Procession leaving from the church at 2:00 p.m.

  •  Celebration of the Lord's Passion at 3:00 p.m. in St. Mary's Church


  •  Solemn Easter Vigil at 9:00 p.m. in St. Mary's Church.  

    • As Father Gio told the students at our last school Mass, this is the most important feast of the entire Church year.

    • Although this liturgy begins late in the evening (it must be after sundown) and lasts twice as long as usual, it is so worth attending, and it would be wonderful to see some of our older students there.

    • Some highlights of the celebration are the blessing of new fire and the new Paschal Candle, which includes a candlelight procession into the church, the sacraments of Baptism, First Eucharist and Confirmation being received by new members of the Church and a blessing with Holy Water.


  • Easter Sunday - St. Mary's Masses are at the usual times of 8:00 a.m., 9:30 a.m. and 11:30 a.m.  Keep in mind that the church may be more crowded than usual!  


  • Easter Monday - no  school


  • Sexuality and Your Child parent information to be distributed after Easter

  • Annual General Meeting on Thursday, April 20th

Wishing you a prayerful and blessed Holy Week!