Welcome to Grade 6!
Latest News
Religion: Stations of the Cross- understanding the great sacrifice Jesus made for all of mankind. During holy week we will perform a re-enactment of The Stations of the Cross
Art: Experiencing art is a means to develop empathy for other's perspectives and experiences. We will create many beautiful works of art this year.
Science: Newton's three laws, the solar system, mixtures and multi-cellular organisms. Get ready for building and experiments!
Math: Mixed numbers, decimal numbers, order of operations, linear relations using graphs, area and volume of shapes, data analysis, and theoretical probability
English Language Arts: Novels, novels, novels! Exploring stories, developing an understanding of how language works and how to use it purposefully, exploring and sharing multiple perspectives, questioning what we hear, read and view. The Hero's Journey. Grammar, spelling, vocabulary, writing, poetry, and much more!
Social Studies: Economic self-interest can be a significant cause of conflict, complex global problems require international cooperation, systems of government, media sources affecting our understanding of issues, social justice.
The Kids Who Can
Hands and Hearts
Grade six actively participates in our social justice group The Kids Who Can. We will be using our hearts and hands to make a difference in the world. In the past, we have provided surgeries, purchased water wells, and sponsored children from all around the world.
Your teacher
Mrs. Olivares