Highlights of the Week: Nov 22 - 28
School WILL be open tomorrow, and I am eager to see all of our kids back!
to everyone for your patience and understanding during the last week of school closure. When COVID hit we often used the phrase "unprecedented time" - that was certainly the case last week as well. I hope all are doing fine.
to those who attended the virtual Parent Fundraising Group meeting on Wednesday. It was nice to have some new people join us! There are some good upcoming plans - stay tuned!
to the parents who staffed the Christmas Photo sessions this weekend, both preparing the backdrops and being present at the sessions. I saw a few of the photos - would love to see more, email them any time!
to the families of students preparing for First Holy Communion for bringing them to Mass this morning. A special thank you to those parents who so bravely stood to answer questions when Father asked the children if they'd like to ask their parents a question! I appreciate your thoughtful answers. (To clarify: I did not know that was going to happen; I would have warned you, had I known!)
Some people for FISA (Federation of Independent Schools Associations) met with the ministries of Transportation and Education today. We have been asked to encourage you to "show care for [your] fellow citizens by limiting [your] use of fuel". Please consider carpooling where possible; if your children are normally on the bus, but you sometimes drive them, this would be a good time to stick to the bus.
FOOD DRIVE NEED OF THE WEEK: last week's request was for coffee and tea; this week is Kraft Dinner (or similar packaged pastas)
If you are coming into the school, please remember to wear a mask!
Parent Education Committee Meeting, 6:30 p.m. Any parents are welcome to attend as an observer. Please do let me or a PEC member know if you are planning to attend, as it may affect where we hold the meeting (for COVID reasons). Masks are mandatory.
Hot Lunch: Subway (they have assured us they are ready to go; we may not have juice boxes, however)
Grade 7 Curling Field Trip - students may wear colour clothes, and should dress in layers (along with gloves, hats, etc. - it gets cold out there on the ice! Students also need to bring a CLEAN pair of shoes (i.e., in addition to the shoes they wear to walk over to the curling rink)
Grade 4/5 Girls Volleyball Practice, 3:00 - 4:00 p.m.
Mass for Grades 2 - 7. Please wear white shirts and school sweaters.
Grade 4/5 Boys Volleyball Practice, 3:00 - 4:00 p.m.
Pizza Hut Hot Lunch - rescheduled from last week . As of last week, Pizza Hut thought this would be possible; we will update you Wednesday afternoon as to whether or not this will go ahead.
Deadline to order Hot Lunch for December
Colour Day
Last day to order Poinsettias
First Sunday of Advent - may this be a blessed season for you.