Highlights of the Week: May 8 - 14
Such busy days in the weeks ahead!
to those who were able to pitch in with cleaning the school this week, including students who helped with garbage, sweeping and vaccuuming - much appreciated!
to Mrs. Choboter and Ms. Foster, along with the staff and students in Kindergarten and Grade 7, for facilitating the Crowning of Mary, which was a beautiful ceremony following our school Mass last Wednesday. Thank you also to anyone who brought flowers for Our Lady.
to those that made First Holy Communion such a special day for our students - the priests and parish personnel, school staff and parents. An event like this takes a team, and I'm sure that the children who received Jesus for the first time today felt the love and prayers of those around them.
Each year our school (like all independent schools) undergoes an attendance audit. As we are nearing our audit, it is extremely important that if you receive an attendance note from the school regarding dates your child was away, that you sign and return it to the school as soon as possible. Our funding is dependent on this audit, so we appreciate your cooperation.
The 3rd annual St. Mary’s Golf Tournament registration is now open. To register go to https://saintmarysschool.ca/golf
We are still in need of volunteers for our golf tournament to make this day successful. If you are willing and able to help out, please go to https://signup.com/go/JnoorPB to sign up!
Please return brown envelopes as soon as possible
SJB Track Meet at Rotary Stadium. If your child is attending, you will have already received all information and permission slips.
Swiss Promo Uniform Expo, 1:30 - 6:30 p.m.
Track and Field practice, 3:00 - 4:00 p.m. (Grades 3 - 7)
Rehearsal for Confirmation, 6:30 p.m. (students should attend with their sponsor)
School Mass, 9:00 a.m. Grades 2 - 7
Sacrament of Reconciliation for Confirmation students, 11:00 a.m.
Hot lunch - pancakes and sausages
Bloomin' Easy plant order pick up
Class photos - please have your child in neat and complete uniform
Dental screening for Kindergarten students
Track and Field practice, 3:00 - 4:00 p.m. (grades 3-7)
Sacrament of Confirmation for Grade 7 students, 7:00 p.m.
Happy Mother's Day!
May19 - 22 - NO SCHOOL (Pro-D Day; Victoria Day weekend)
May 24 - Knights of Columbus Track Meet
May 26 - Gr. 5/6 and Gr. 7 Entrepreneurial Fair
May 27 - Golf Tournament
Enjoy the week ahead!