Highlights of the Week: June 19 - 25
So nice to see a number of parents and grandparents at Sports Day on Friday. I love community events. Our Grade 7 class did a phenomenal job of running the stations this year, under the direction of Mrs. Choboter and Miss Gillespie. The hot chocolate and coffee were a great touch - thanks to Alisha Miller, our hot lunch coordinator, for this great way of using surplus hot lunch funds!
to all who helped out at the school this year. It was wonderful to see you at the Volunteer Tea last Wednesday. A VERY special thank you to Mrs. Choboter for preparing the students so beautifully for their performances, and to the students for being such great performers! Thanks are also due to the students and staff members who helped with set-up, food preparation and clean-up. Special thanks to the students from Grade 4/5 for serving so nicely!
and speaking of helping, an especially big thank you to everyone who helped with fundraising this year - whether that was working at events, attending events or supporting initiatives such as the Big Raffle and online auction. Our fundraising total for the year is $58,503!!! Fundraising helps offset our operating expenses, but the more we raise, the more we can provide for the school.
Next week we will be having our annual "Celebration of Learning"/"Dress Your Best" day. At this time, each child will receive an award certificate, and some special awards (mainly for Grade 7 students) will also be presented.
Some of the special awards have both a perpetual plaque and a "keeper" plaque. In past years, students would take both plaques home and return the perpetual plaque in the spring. However, we have decided that going forward, we will keep the perpetual plaques here in the trophy case, and have only the keeper plaque go home.
The online auction is closed now. It raised a total of $1603. Thank you to everyone that participated!
Yearbook order forms went home in the brown envelope. Please return ASAP - there is a limited number of yearbooks available to purchase. Many thanks to Fatima and Arjay Layno for the time and effort spent in putting the yearbook together!
Grade 4/5 Field Trip to Grouse Mountain. Students must arrive at the school at 7:20 a.m., because the bus will be leaving at 7:30 sharp! Students should be dressed for the weather and in appropriate clothes for the day (non-uniform).
Grade 5/6 Field Trip to downtown Chilliwack
Water Day
students will have the opportunity to participate in water-based play stations during the day (each class will be given a time to go outside). Please pray for good weather!
students should bring or wear clothing that can get wet (bathing suits or shorts and tops) and also BRING DRY CLOTHING to change into, as well as TOWELS. This will be a non-uniform day to make things easier. Please apply water-proof sunscreen at home (or send with your child if he/she can apply it themself) and have children in hats that can get wet.
if the weather is too cloudy or rainy, water day will be postponed or cancelled.
Track and Field practice, 3:00 - 4:00 p.m. (Grades 3 - 5) LAST PRACTICE FOR THE YEAR
So as to protect the health, healing, and well-being of our student athletes, we ask parents/guardians of injured students and those recovering from illnesses, to inform the coaches of your child's condition. As staff are committed to coaching at practices and meets, it is not possible to offer supervision for student athletes who are not participating. Therefore, we require that students with injuries or those recovering from illness refrain from practices and meets until they regain full health.
School Mass, 9:00 a.m. Grades 2 - 7
Hot lunch: pizza
National Day for Indigenous People - our hot lunch coordinator is going to make bannock for all students :-)
Chilliwack District Track Meet - athletes who are to attend will have been informed by the coaches
Grade 7 Field Trip to the Water Slides
Colour Day
"Getting to Know You" Day - students will meet next year's teacher and classmates
Freezie Friday
Grade 7 Farewell - Mass begins at 6:00 p.m.
Note: Grade 7 students will be dismissed at noon
June 27 - Dress Your Best/Celebration of Learning
June 28 - last day for students: Mass at 11:00 a.m., Noon Dismissal
We're in the home stretch - here's to a successful last week-and-a-half of school!