Highlights of the Week: Dec. 5 - 11
Brrr! Winter has hit with a vengeance! I hope that everyone stayed safe last week when the snow hit. I see that next week's forecast shows the potential for more snow; of course, we will take each day as it comes when making decisions re: school closures.
to Mrs. Olivares and the Grade 5/6 class for making centrepieces for the Knights of Columbus/CWL dinner, and to those who helped set up for that dinner
to those who helped with poinsettia pick-up last week
to the lectors and choir members for representing the school so beautifully at Mass today (and to their families for bringing them to Mass!)
Food Drive Need of the Week: rice
Christmas Shop - every year we set up a shop for our students so they can buy gifts for their parents (at the amazing bargain of $1/item!). However, we are in need of gently-used (or new, that you won't be using) items to stock the shop. If you have anything at home that you could send, please do so as soon as possible so our shopkeepers can see what we have and make plans for display. We also welcome donations of Christmas themed gift bags and wrapping paper (the gifts will be wrapped for the children to take home). Our stocks are low this year, so anything you can send would be greatly appreciated!
If you know someone in need of a Christmas hamper (or are in need yourself) please sign up at the school or parish office by December 9th.
The Grade 7 class will be selling Candygrams this week in support of the Christmas Hamper program. Candy canes are $1 and candy bags are $2. Orders will be taken in the morning and delivered in the afternoon. In the past, we have had many children simply ordering bags of candy for themselves - if you are allowing them to bring money to purchase, please remind them that this is meant to be a giving program - perhaps they can think of a classmate they'd like to treat!
We will make a decision on a daily basis regarding children going out to play. However, most days they will likely be outside. Please ensure that your children come to school with warm clothes (jacket, mitts/gloves, hat, scarf, boots, etc.). If there is snow on the ground, snowpants are a great idea!
Please ensure that if your child is wearing boots back and forth to school, he/she also keeps a pair of school shoes AT school
Hot Lunch - chicken burgers
Grade 4/5 Girls Volleyball Practice, 3:00 - 4:00
Mass, Grades K - 7 (please wear sweaters) - all families welcome!
Grade 5/6- Sacrament of Reconciliation
Christmas Turkey Lunch
Grade 4/5 Boys Volleyball Practice, 3:00 - 4:00
PEC Meeting, 6:30 p.m.
Grade 3/4 - Sacrament of Reconciliation
Parish Penitential Service - 7:00 p.m. in the church (6 priests available to hear Confessions)
Christmas Shop
Third Sunday of Advent - Joy!
Have a great week!