Highlights of the Week: Apr 17 - 23
I hope you are all well. I know we have had a lot of sickness around the school this last week - including myself! Thank you for keeping your children home until they are completely well and able to resume full activities - and also be "in control of their fluids". We appreciate you trying to stop the spread!
to the lectors and choir members who were at Mass today, and those who brought them or helped prepare them. Our choir numbers were definitely lower today - wondering if people were sick?
The 3rd annual St. Mary’s Golf Tournament registration is now open. To register go to https://saintmarysschool.ca/golf
We are still in need of volunteers for our golf tournament to make this day successful. If you are willing and able to help out, please go to https://signup.com/go/JnoorPB to sign up!
Hot lunch ordering for the last months of school is open. For future lunches, please go to https://munchalunch.com/login.aspx?multi=true to order.
St. Mary's Elementary Spring Plant Sale
Choose from a curated collection of 4-inch Bloomin’ Easy shrubs, locally grown in the Fraser Valley to beautify your garden and help St. Mary's Elementary plant for the future!
Plants are $10 each for floral shrubs in 4-inch pots. Orders are due by Thursday, April 27 and will be available for pick up at the school the week of May 10. Contact the school or use this order form to place your order.
Holy Childhood Association Assembly, 9:30 a.m. (this is a presentation from the Holy Childhood Association; our students are the audience, not leaders. However, if any parent is interested in learning about the HCA, you are welcome to attend)
Track and Field practice, 3:00 - 4:00 p.m. (Grades 3 - 7)
School Choir sings at Chilliwack Chiefs game (game is at 7:00 p.m.; instructions for time and place or arrival to be sent Monday or Tuesday)
School Mass, 9:00 a.m. Grades 2 - 7
Hot Lunch: spaghetti
Parish Education Committee meeting, 6:30 p.m.
Track and Field practice, 3:00 - 4:00 p.m. (Grades 3 - 7)
Annual General Meeting, 7:00 p.m. All families are requested to have at least one adult attend.
St. Mary's Spelling Bee (user will be asked to go to CISVA Spelling Bee on Tuesday, April 25) - time TBD
Student Led Conferences: evening of Thursday, April 27 and morning of Friday, April 28 (no school for students on that day)
Wishing you a happy and healthy week!