Highlights of the Week: April 30 - May 6
- Congratulations to our grade seven students who were confirmed today!
- A number of permission slips and opportunities for Parent service hours were sent home last week. Please return these to the school ASAP.
- All those who bring in $50 in walkathon pledges will take part in an ice cream party later this week.
- Hanging basket/planter order will go out today. Call the school office by lunch time if you still want to order.
- Grade 3 to Cheam Wetlands
- Grade 7 to Valleyhaven Retirement Home
- Hot Lunch (Chopped Leaf & Hot Dogs)
- Track Practice 2:45 - 4 p.m.
- Rehearsal for First Communion - 6:45 pm
- School Mass and Crowning of Mary - 9 a.m. in the church - KG and Grade 7 are asked to wear their "best outfits".
- Planning meeting for 70th Anniversary - 7 pm in the school library - If you would like to help in any way, please try and come to this meeting.
- Grades 5-7 to SJB's Production "Cyrano de Bergerac"
- Track Practice 2:45-4 pm.
- Track meet at Rotary Stadium (Grades 3-7). Bus departs PROMPTLY at 8:40. Sorry, the bus cannot wait for late-comers.
- Freezie Friday - Grade 6's will be selling freezies for $1 each (during the lunch hour).
- First Communion Mass at 2 p.m. We hope to have many school families attend this Mass to celebrate this special day with our Grade 2's.
- The School Choir will be singing at the First Communion Mass, we hope to have a full choir!